Liquid humic acid and its properties
Liquid Humic Acid
__ Written by Caspian Kood Golestan
-Increasing in root volume
-Using easily in all types of irrigation systems
-Improving soil texture and increasing soil water retention
-Increasing resistance to cold, heat and soil salinity
-Increasing the absorption of nutrient
-Increasing the cation exchange capacity of the soil
Due to the small amount of Liquid Humic Acid of Bio Homes used and its extraordinary effects on the growth speed and the power of rooting and germination, seeding is recommended in the mentioned products
In fields with irrigation system under pressure and without pool or reservoir, Liquid Humic Acid of Bio Homes should be sprinkled with mixed water and then irrigated
The aim is to deliver the recommended amounts of Liquid Humic Acid of Bio Homes to the plant roots
Liquid Humic Acid of Bio Homes should not be sprayed or sprayed in pure form and must be used as a solution in water